About The Teacher

About The Teacher

NAME: Barbara N. Wesneski

SCHOOL: Dallas Middle School

CLASS: 6th Grade

SCHOOL PHONE: (570)675-5201

About The Teacher

   I am a 1996 graduate of Bloomsburg University.  It is there that I received my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education with a Mathematics minor.   I also graduated from Wilkes University with a masters in classroom technology.  I found my home here in the Dallas School District in 1999.  My first year here I had the privilege of teaching 3rd grade at Dallas Elementary.  I spent the next five years at DES enjoying the 5th grade students and curriculum.  Now the Dallas Elementary building no longer exists, and I am in my twenty-fifth year in the district and my nineteenth  at our beautiful Middle School.  I am very excited about teaching 6th grade at DMS.  

  Besides being a teacher, I am a full time mom with three amazing children (if I may say so myself).   LJ, the oldest, is my very sports minded 25 year old son who has been brainwashed to love Notre Dame and the Yankees.  He is recent graduate of The University at Albany where he played end for their football team.  Alexandria is my sweet 21 year old daughter.  She is also very involved in sports, especially field hockey, which she plays at the University of Iowa.  Alex is in her senior year of college. She too has completed all stages of the brainwashing!  Joshua is my very pleasant 18 year old who (no surprise here) loves sports as well...he is a freshman at Dominican University in NY and will be playing lacrosse there.  He too has completed all stages of the brainwashing! All of their first Notre Dame jerseys were "retired" and hang on a wall in our home. The Notre Dame and Yankees influence comes from my wonderful husband, Larry.  

  I coached our junior high girls basketball team for seven years when I started teaching here at Dallas.  We had great success with 3 district titles under our belt in 7 years.  I miss coaching so much, but my family keeps me very busy.  Sports have always been a part of my life having played basketball and softball since age 6, and team spirit is something in my blood being the youngest of 5 girls!

Mission For The Class

It is my mission to provide my students with a safe, productive, and fun environment that is conducive to the learning process.