
Dr. Chandler believes that nutrition and lifestyle effects our health greatly.

Eating a plant-based diet, exercise, optimal sleep health, mental health, and environmental health in addition to your genetics are the bedrock of your health.

Heart & Vascular Health

Hypertension & Cholesterol

Healthy Weight, Body & Self-Image

Colon Health

Diabetes, PCOS & Hyperglycemia

Brain, Eye & Lung Health

Arthritis & Joint Disorder

Cancer Prevention & Care Enhancement

At this time, Dr. Chandler does not have a practice for lifestyle medicine for individual consults. She does provide preventative medicine for occupational medicine.

She continues to work with organizations to encourage them to incorporate these kinds of consults to make them available for their patient population. If you would like to see this at your organization or healthcare institution, please email your workplace and share our email.

 If you are a previous or current patient of Dr. Chandler, please email for more information.