
Depression & Anxiety

Mental health is important.

More than 50% of patients have suboptimal care while on traditional anti-depressants.

Mental health treatment involves "many eggs in the basket." 

Your foundation is based in lifestyle medicine and making these kinds of changes when possible. 

Often times with many conditions, we will need additional help. Incorporating specific testing, medications, and counseling can be a great asset and improvement. Most patients incorporate integrative medicine into their care. 

We provide cannabis education and access to the medicinal cannabis program in NJ. However, this program is not indicated for depression alone. 

Optimizing Treatment

Integrated Treatment

As always integrative medicine studies are limited. Some have risks. Dr Chandler is generally of the mindset to try a small amount and watch carefully. There are also many types of integrative medicine available, including TMS, light therapy, electric stimulation. Some need referrals, others are recommended with over the counter guidance.