Helpful Articles and Links

This material is offered for your education and is not psychological advice.

  • The title is way more intense than the article. I like the mindfulness approach that it describes. "How to follow the news without spiraling into despair." by Jenny Taitz. July 7, 2022. The New York Times. You can read a limited number of articles at The New York Times without subscribing.

  • "Lost, not stolen: The conservative case that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 presidential election." This is the definitive report by leading conservative Republicans, including former senator John Danforth and retired appellate judge J. Michael Luttig. It lists all of the court filings and their disposition. People who doubt this information can look up those cases in the public record. The cases are cited in the report. I am posting this link as a non-partisan service to counter widespread misinformation.