AP Language

Connecting Threads Slides with Video Analysis

For AP Language, we were tasked with choosing a topic, doing research to find relevant essays/articles, and creating a sculpture to represent what we learned. The topic that I chose to cover was history and the perspective from which it is taught. I was drawn to this topic because I have a deep fascination with history, and the topic of historical perspective is more relevant now than ever due to controversy over Critical Race Theory and other things like that. Here is the complex claim I wrote to summarize my ideas: History should be told to include all perspectives, engender empathy in the learner, and help people understand their own place in history. I am excited to actually begin work on creating my sculpture next semester.

Tobias Bryles - Connecting Threads Proposal Slides with Video Analysis
Tobias Bryles - Connecting Threads - Essay

Emily Dickinson Poem Song/Reading

In AP literature we chose a poem by Emily Dickinson and turned it into a short song.

Lit Song.mp4

The poem that we chose to adapt is about hope staying with you even in the toughest of times. One line that shows this theme is the last in the poem: "Yet- never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me." This line is saying how even in extreme circumstances, hope helped the author, and didn't require anything in return. We chose the music to be slow and downplayed to match the tone of the poem.

Final Task

AP Lang Final Task

For my final task of the year, I was asked to analyze the themes of something that I enjoy a lot. I decided to analyze the 2016 game Furi, as it's one of my all-time favorite games.