Engineering Applications


Stop Light LED's

In class,  We learned wiring practices and received breakout boards to practice our wiring.  We were given three LEDs to make light up separately such as a stoplight. We used a software called mu editor to program the Pico. 


Chaser Pattern

We programmed our Pico to consecutively light up the LED's on our breakout board into a chaser pattern. We used our serial monitors on the Mu Editor software to troubleshoot and get it working. GitHub Code


Start Button

For a pinball machine, the start up button lights the machine up, puts the scoreboard up, and it puts the ball into the launch lane. To the left is a video of the button in action.


Launcher Button

The launcher is a mechanical, spring-driven  ball propeller that is manually used to push the ball into the machine's primary mechanism. You can pull back the handle of the launcher that hangs out of the device, When you release the handle it uses a spring mechanism to launch the ball into play.



In pinball machine, a target is a special spot to hit with the ball for points and it might activate different features within the pinball machine.  When the ball hits the it sends a signal using a sensor to the machine to give points. Typically the balls can drop down and will stay down til the game is restarted. 

There's a rod that has ground so when the ball touches both, thats when its triggered .and it closes the loop. When the solenoid recieves a signal that the circut is closed it slams on the ball sending it at high speeds into play.



In pinball machine, a target is a special spot to hit with the ball for points and it might activate different features within the pinball machine. When the ball hits the it sends a signal using a sensor to the machine to give points. 

Drawing Practice: Stairs

Drawing Practice: Scoreboard Mount

Drawing Practice

Drawing Practice: Rectangles and Circles

Drawing Practice: Stairs

We used rectangles and the duplicate tool to make a staircase in onshape.

Drawing Practice

We made a square with two rectangles which are the same size

Drawing Practice

We made a large rectangle and on the inside we made squares on the inside using the duplicate and mirror tool.

Drawing Practice: Rectangles and Circles

We made 2 corner point rectangles and inside of the  rectangles we added tiny circles.

Flipper Research

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

The function of a pinball flipper is used to make the ball move and hit other things on the board.  To know if my or flipper is successful, I would check a few things. First, it should hit the ball with enough force to send it all the way down the pinball. Second, it should work every time I press the button. Third, it shouldn't break off or wear out too quickly. And lastly it should be . If it does all these things, then I'd consider my bumper or flipper a success!


import board

import digitalio

import time

import busio

import pwmio

from adafruit_motor import servo

# LCD Source code is at

from lcd.lcd import LCD

from lcd.i2c_pcf8574_interface import I2CPCF8574Interface

from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP3, duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50)

# Create a servo object, my_servo.

my_servo = servo.Servo(pwm)

# 0 == LED off and 255 == full brightness

target1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP11)

target1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

target1.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

target2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP4)

target2.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

target2.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

target3 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP5)

target3.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

target3.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

ballcount_button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP13)

ballcount_button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

ballcount_button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

leftflippersolenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP15)

leftflippersolenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

leftflippersolenoid.value = False

leftflipperbutton = DigitalInOut(board.GP22)

leftflipperbutton.direction = Direction.INPUT

leftflipperbutton.pull = Pull.UP

rightflippersolenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP26)

rightflippersolenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

rightflippersolenoid.value = False

# Initialize the flipper button as an input

rightflipperbutton = DigitalInOut(board.GP16)

rightflipperbutton.direction = Direction.INPUT

rightflipperbutton.pull = Pull.UP

bumper1_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP20)

bumper1_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

bumper1_solenoid.value = False


# Initialize the flipper button as an input

bumper1_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP19)

bumper1_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

bumper1_button.pull = Pull.UP

bumper2_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP21)

bumper2_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

bumper2_solenoid.value = False


# Initialize the flipper button as an input

bumper2_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP18)

bumper2_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

bumper2_button.pull = Pull.UP




# Initialize the score variable

score = 0

old_score = score

ballcount = 3

old_ballcount = ballcount

# Initialize I2C bus.

# The Raspberry Pi pico has a number of pin pairs that can be used for I2C.

# One pin is SCL (clock) and the other is SDA (data).  See

# a pin diagram at

i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP1, board.GP0)

# Talk to the LCD at I2C address 0x27.

lcd = LCD(I2CPCF8574Interface(i2c, 0x27), num_rows=2, num_cols=20)


def update_lcd():

    if score != old_score or ballcount != old_ballcount:


        lcd.set_cursor_pos(0, 1)

        lcd.print("Your Score:")



        lcd.set_cursor_pos(1, 2)

        lcd.print("Ball Count: ")



    if ballcount != old_ballcount:


        lcd.set_cursor_pos(1, 2)

        lcd.print("Ball Count: ")



    if ballcount == 0:

            lcd.set_cursor_pos(1, 2)

            lcd.print("Game Over")

            score == 0

            ballcount == 3

lcd.print("Score: ")


lcd.print("Ball Count: ")



lcd.set_cursor_pos(0, 0)

#lcd.print("Starting Pinball")


while True:

    my_servo.angle = 180


    if target1.value == True:

        score = score + 10

        print ("target1 is pressed")

    if target2.value == True:

        score = score + 5



        print ("target2 is pressed")

#    else:

    if target3.value == True:

        score = score + 5

        #print ("target3 is pressed")


        #print ("target3 is not pressed")

    if  ballcount_button.value == False:

        ballcount = ballcount - 1

        if ballcount == 0:


            lcd.set_cursor_pos(1, 2)

  #          time.sleep(2)

            score = 0


            ballcount = 3

        #print("Ball count Button is PRESSED")


       # time.sleep(0.05)

    if (leftflipperbutton.value == True):

        # The input has a pull up, so this means

        # the value is True when the button is not pressed

      #  print ("leftflipperbutton is not pressed")

    #    time.sleep(.01)

        leftflippersolenoid.value = False


        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

     #   print ("leftflipperbutton is pressed")

        leftflippersolenoid.value = True # Make the screen scroll sideways

        #print ("leftflipperbutton is not pressed")


    if (rightflipperbutton.value == True):

        # The input has a pull up, so this means

        # the value is True when the button is not pressed

        rightflippersolenoid.value = False # Make the screen scroll sideways

    #    print("not pressed")

        #print ("rightflipperbutton not pressed")




        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        rightflippersolenoid.value = True

      #  print ("rightflipperbutton is  pressed")


    if (bumper1_button.value == True):

        # The input has a pull up, so this means

        # the value is True when the button is not pressed

        bumper1_solenoid.value = False


        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        bumper1_solenoid.value = True


    if (bumper2_button.value == True):

        # The input has a pull up, so this means

        # the value is True when the button is not pressed

        bumper2_solenoid.value = False


        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        bumper2_solenoid.value = True





    # Write your code here :-)


Final Pinball Documentation

This project allowed more creative design freedom and independent exploration than most structured school assignments or personal projects. It required a mix of structured research and innovative thinking, making it unique. Completing this project felt incredibly rewarding. It brought a sense of accomplishment and relief after overcoming various challenges and seeing the hard work come to fruition. I'm most proud of the innovative solutions and the project outcome. The project reflects my ability to think critically and work diligently, showcasing my skills and dedication.

Bumper top and bottom

Servo top and bottom

A servo is a motor with a feedback mechanism that allows precise control of its position. It can rotate to a specific angle and hold that position, commonly used in robotics for movement and positioning tasks.

Flipper top and bottom


