Engineering Concepts

Robot Project

Today we learned that we are starting the semeseter with a sumo robot project.

Above is the briefing for the prototype.

This is a continuation of our project.

Above is the briefing for our final sumo bot.


Moving Servo

Today as a class we made our servos move.Ā  The video to the left is my servo rotating.

Servo Wiring

This is a picture of my tinkercad wiring.


Two Servos IndependentĀ 

This is a video of the two servos moving independently.


From the progress video I learned that Arduino robots with the required parts can have face tracking.

Ant Hexapod

From this robot I learned with arduino you can make robots do diverse things. For example, bite, grab, attack and many more things.

Robot Biped

From this website I learned that robots can imitate human walking and running.Ā 


Battery Power

This is a video of my servos running off battery power.

Battery Power Wiring

This is a wiring diagram I made with tinkercad.


Ultrasonic sensor

This is a video of my ultrasonic sensor detecting the distance an object is in front of it.

Robot Base (2)

This is a image of my hobby motor robot.


Bluetooth connected

This is a video of my robots LED change brightness using a bluetooth connection.

One point perspectiveĀ 

This is a one point perspective drawing of my robot.

Robot Sumo Battle

Ā What went well was the pushing power for the sizeof myrobot and the problem is the lack of weight. I need to glue dead batteries down to improve my robot.

Front side

Back side

Ā Left side

Ā Right side

Final Robot Video

This robot's wow factor is it being designed based off lighting mqueen.Ā  This will pique the interest of the younger and maybe even older audience during the battles. The complimentary colors are red and white.Ā 

Robot Idea Development

My plan is to make a robot based off lightning mqueen.


For this project we will be working with a group of 4 to build a dog kennel. We will be using all the different parts of the design proccess to complete this task

Today we collaberated on a google in which we did research on different modern houses and doghouses.

Darby Hoffecker - Shared Research Slides

Dog House/Kitty Condo Research

During class we researched modern looking dog/cat houses to support our design decisions.

4 Sketches

These are the 4 initial sketches of dog and cat condo ideas.

Detailed Sketch

This is my detailed sketch of my doghouse. It contains the size restraints and the cut list.

Onshape 1

This is a screenshot of the onshape drawing I created to print out for my doghouse design.

Side view

Back view

Prototype 1

Front View

This is my first prototype for my dog condo design.

onshape front view

onshape side view

Top View

Side view

Front view


Setting up Ada feather

After uploading the lib files into our Ada feather we uploaded code to make a little red light blinkĀ  on it.


Setting up LED board

After setting up our ada feather we had to save new code into the Ada feather to light up 2 leds on the board.

Smiley face

Today in class we learned about rgb, and grid matrix's. We were tasked to code our ada fruit feather to display a smiley face using python.

Final Machine Learning

The goal of this model is to accurately differentiate images of the students in my class with at least 90% accuracy. The data we used are named folders containing images of every student saved in class. The model learns from the images and labels provided and runs epoch. The epoch teaches the computer how to correctly differentiate/identify who is in the image.

My model runs with an accuracy of 0.96 which means 96%. This means my model correctly identifies who is in the image 96% of the time.