Guernica Project

Guernica Project One Love 2024
Madison, Regie, Justin, Jackson, and Jayda.3gp


For Chemvas, we were to create Guernica piece that addresses current world problems. Our group decided to choose abortion rights. Abortion rights have been a problem for many women in the United States because of how abortion is illegal in several states. By advocating for abortion rights, our group hopes to lower the number of states that making abortions illegal. In our Guernica project, we were required to use cubist art in our artwork by breaking up sections of the art, and shading them in different gradients.

World Literature


For World Literature, we had to make a PSA based on a conflict that our group chose. For this PSA, our group chose abortion rights. In the video, it advocates abortion rights. This video was another way to address current world problems.Â