Social justice

This is our bike saftey video

This is our bike safety video that we made to show other how to ride an bike carefully.

video Quavon C 5_9_2023 10_19_29 AM.mp4

This is my "they say" "i say" poem

Ic reated a poem about identity about my self 

Women history month

This is my women history month person. I chose mae c Jamison the first female astronaut.

video Quavon C 2_14_2023 10_32_42 AM.mp4

Dignity and pride 

This is my video of my handshake with corey.

Copy of Learning Tyre

Tyre nichols

My group and i read an article and summarized it into things that we saw in importance to the case. This is related to black lives matter and police brutality.