Pre cal

My Movie


We created an news broadcast based on the average high of each month anhad to make an equation


We did a stop motion video in class

Quavon Pre cal

Digital notebook


We made bottle rockets by using a plastic soda bottle. This is our group design of the bottle rocket. 

Finding Height 

We were able to utilize trigonometric equations or physics equations to determine the height.

Trigonometric Height

By multiplying 90 by tan(22) and then adding the height of the person who calculated the angle, one can use trigonometry to determine their height.

Parabola of Rocket 

Our rocket was in the air for three seconds and traveled around 48 feet.

Picture of our rocket

This is a visual representation of our rocket fully built


Video of our rocket

This is a video of our rocket launching

Our game

This is the probility game we made in class

Rules of the game

How our game look 

This is an visual represation of our game


This is the probility of each round


Each contestant got extra credit from mr morrison if they fully won