One Love Through Conflict: 

Guernica PBL

Guernica Project

This project was based on Picasso's Guernica. We researched modern and past conflicts, designed propaganda posters, created art, and wrote essays about these conflicts. 

Propaganda Posters

Before getting into groups to start our art, we learned about propaganda. Then, we chose conflicts we cared about and made propaganda posters about that issue. The issue I chose was book banning. 

Reaserch Papers

After creating our posters, we did more research about the issue and wrote informative or rgumentative essays about the conflict.

Guernica Project Reaserch Paper

Visual Arts

In groups, we chose a conflict that we cared about and created paneled artwork based on that issue. My group chose gun violence. In the end, all of the panels came together to create one large piece. My partners for this group were Austin Smith, Laila Shannon, and Christopher Gomes. 

final Guernica Project One Love 2024