
🗺️Entry Event🗺️

Scholars used Google Earth to explore the rocks & soil at East Lake park.

Marley noticed the clay was orange.

James noticed that plants grow in the dark soil.

Noelle noticed there was dark soil, red clay, sand, and that there was nothing in the sand.

Lawrence noticed the red clay by the water.

💖We love our pet rocks! 💖

Our scholars put their creativity to work and created some amazing pet rocks.

Javid and his rock, Javid

Isla and her rock, Isla Koko Fefe

Laureyn and her rock, Bubble Gum

Margot and her rock, Pinkie Pie

Savannah and her rock, Savannah

Wayne and his rock, Bananer the Alligator

Mack and his rock, Gecko

Addison and her rock, Roobix

Lawrence and his rock,

Everybody In The Class

Miles and his rock, Miles Mash

Noelle and her rock, Doodle Dot

Oliver and his rock, Cotton Candy

Marley and her rock, Marley

Ashton and his rock, Spiderman

Lacey and her rock, Fluttery

Zain and his rock, Zain

James and his rock, Stripey

Lauren and her rock, Princess Rock

Topaz and her rock, Grapey

Makir and his rock, Greeny Meanie

Semara and her rock, Semara

If rocks and soils could talk, what stories would they tell?