In-field Experts

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Dr. Teresa Jordan explained the importance of eating healthy foods and refraining from eating processed and sugary snacks and foods.  

After practicing as a general dentist in the metro Atlanta area for three years, Dr. Teresa Jordan returned to Howard University College of Dentistry and completed additional training in pediatric dentistry. Dr. Jordan is board certified and a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.


Dr. Paige Carmichael and her team at the University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine shared valuable information with our first graders about the needs of pets like dogs and cats.  They engaged students in trivia that allowed the students to examine x-rays to determine if they could guess the animal based on the x-ray. The students really enjoyed this experience. 

Dr. Paige Carmichael, DVM is an experienced veterinarian, who has practiced veterinary medicine for over 30 years.  Dr. Carmichael’s main research emphasis has been on a group of inherited neurological diseases in dogs, including hepatocerebellar degeneration.  Through her Dog Doctors program, she visits classrooms across the state and answers questions about dogs, her research, and careers in Veterinary Medicine.