National School Games Mark
The National School Games Mark Information & How To Apply
The 'School Games Mark' is an award recognising the commitment to the development of competitive sporting opportunities across your school into the community. School Games Mark is recognised by OFSTED in their inspection framework. Once achieved, your school can also use the Games Mark logo in any promotional material to show your commitment to school sport.
Please contact your School Games Organiser for further support.
Important update on 2019/20 Application Process
Because of the situation with school closures and cancelled events due to the Covid-19 situation, the awarding body has made the decision to 'pause' the award process for this academic year. Please see below the official statement explaining the decision:
The 2019 academic year saw the School Games Mark Award reach over 10,000 schools, an achievement you should all be hugely proud of. With the 2020 School Games Mark window due to open in less than two weeks, the team at the Youth Sport Trust, working closely with Sport England, has worked hard to consult with a range of stakeholders on the approach to take in light of COVID-19, school closures and social distancing measures.
The consultation has included SGOs, Development Coaches and importantly a sample of schools that in 2019 achieved Bronze, Silver and Gold School Games Mark. While there were, of course, a number of schools that felt they had the relevant information to report on two terms worth of work, the overriding feedback from the Head Teachers we spoke to was that the priority for staff during the summer term was to cater for the immediate needs of students while also preparing for school returning to a new normal.
With all of this information in mind, the decision has been made to pause the 2020 School Games Mark; as a result schools will retain their 2019 School Games Mark Award.
To provide some reassurances
Platinum schools will retain the status for a further year
Schools that would have been eligible for Platinum this year will continue to be eligible in 2021
Congratulations to the following schools who achieved
Games Mark Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum for the 2018/19 Academic Year!
Games Mark Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum for the 2018/19 Academic Year!
Platinum Schools
Orchard Primary School
Gold Schools
Ashmount School
Booth Wood Primary
Belton C of E Primary
St Botolph's C of E Primary
Newcroft Primary
St Bartholomew's C of E Primary
St Paul's C of E Primary
Silver Schools
Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy
Hall Orchard C of E Primary
Bronze Schools
Stonebow Primary
Christ Church & Saint Peter's C of E Primary
Kegworth Primary