October 2022

Local Plant of the Month: Rubber Rabbitbrush

Beautiful fall golds are not just for trees. Look for large bushes along the trail from Greenway Park to Bluff Lake. And they are probably BUZZING with bees, butterflies, and moths.

Rubber Rabbitbrush is a plant native to Colorado. It is in the aster family (a cousin of the sunflower). It blooms in August through late October, when most other flowers are gone. So many pollinators visit it for nectar. The small, cottony seeds may also be enjoyed by our animal of the month, the Western Harvester Ant. As its name suggests, this bush provides shelter for jackrabbits and other small mammals on the plains.

Rubber Rabbitbrush also gets its name because it produces a substance that can be used as rubber. The Cheyenne and Navajo (Diné) have used rubber rabbitbrush for ceremonies, as a cold remedy, for chewing gum, and to make deep yellow and olive green dye. Rubber rabbitbrush is an important plant in restoring land after fires. It can survive droughts and even grows well in poor, alkaline soil.

Local Animal of the Month: Harvester Ant

These tiny workers have big effects on the dry prairie or desert around them. There are many species of harvester ants. Those in Colorado are red-brown with large mandibles or mouth parts. Watch out! Western Harvester Ants do bite and inject venom if threatened, so do not touch them and give them their space!

Harvester ants are social, meaning they live and work together as a community called a colony. Harvester ant colonies have 12,000 or more ants, mostly worker ants who gather food and take care of larva and young ants.

Harvester ants collect and eat seeds. They use their large mandibles to grind seeds into a "bread" that they feed to young. Because harvester ants gather so many seeds in their nests, they are important to helping plants grow in an area. Like the rubber rabbitbrush, Western harvester ants are known for their help with restoration--that is, restoring an area that was damaged by fire, flood, too much cow grazing, or pollution. Western harvester ants aerate soil by tunneling in it, allowing in oxygen in and balancing soil nutrients.

Zero Waste Snack Recipe of the Month: Pumpkin Bread

Fall is in the air! Time to bring a slice of pumpkin bread (in your reusable container) in for snack. Check out this recipe from Food Network personality, Bobby Flay:


Photo by Marius Ciocirlan on Unsplash

Vegetarian Dinner of the Month: Roasted Tomato Linguine

Do you have a lot of tomatoes growing in your garden? You can turn them into a delicious, easy meal by roasting them!

  1. Place cherry or small tomatoes on a sheet pan with chunks of onion and garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a little salt and pepper, then roast for 30-40 minutes at 400 degrees.

  2. Meanwhile, prepare linguine noodles, per package directions.

  3. Place your veggies in a sauce pan and use an immersion blender to smooth them into a sauce (careful, they will be hot!)

  4. Serve the linguine with roasted tomato sauce and add parmesan cheese as a garnish.

Recycling Tip of the Month:


With so many types of plastic, it's hard to tell whether to recycle or not! Two general rules can help:

  1. Can you crumple it up into a ball? If so, TRASH IT. Bags (for chips, gummies, or groceries) get caught up in the recycling machinery and break it. Only rigid, hard plastic goes in the purple cart.

  2. Does your plastic have a number 1-7 with the little arrows on it? If not, TRASH IT. Only plastics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 that are as big as a sticky note go in the purple cart.

Green Team Events

October 4: Club Meeting 4:05-5:30pm Mr. Binder's Room

October 12: Join us at 4pm for the Bicycle Rodeo, Mobile Bike Clinic, and Cool Free Stuff for those who met their Beanstack #WalkBikeRoll2022 Goals. Pozetti Gelato plans to sell, with 20% of proceeds going to the Green Team!

October 23 (9am-1pm): Our biannual "From the Creek to the Lake" clean-up event. Sign up to reserve your picker and get your waiver ready! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050c45afac29a6f94-from

November 7, 8, 10 (8:45-9:05am, 3:45-4:05pm: THE GREAT PUMPKIN COMPOST. Bring your jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, and decorative gourds to compost at school.

Sign up for "one and done" Green Team volunteer opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year:

Contact: greenteam@thewcepta.com with ideas and questions!