April 2024

Happy Earth Month, WCE!

Are you ready to welcome our new TREES?!

We will be looking for adult volunteers to help plant them, and kid volunteers to help water them. 

Ready to sign up? Email greenteam@thewcepta.com

Green Team Vegetarian / Vegan 

Recipe of the Month 

from Ms. Marinelli (ECE)


2 zucchini cubed

2 yellow squash cubed

Medium yellow onion chopped

Can diced tomato 16 oz

La Victoria tomatillo salsa (1 jar)

1 can black beans drained

1/2 package frozen corn

Sauté onion yellow squash and zucchini for 8-10 minutes with a small amount of oil. Add the remainder of ingredients and simmer for 45 minutes. 

Serve with tortillas and cheddar cheese. 

Freeze extras for an easy weeknight dinner!

 Green Team Events

Tuesday, April 9


Green Team Meeting, Mr. Binder's Room

Tuesday, April 23


Green Team Meeting, Mr. Binder's Room

Sunday, April 28


"From the Creek to the Lake" Earth Day Clean Up 

Tuesday, May 7


Green Team Meeting, Mr. Binder's Room

Local Plant of the Month: Cattail

FUN Fact: Cattails are an indicator of water quality-if they start to decline, it may be a sign that pond water is losing nutrients.

For more information on cattail, visit the archive.

Photos by Christina Foust, Bluff Lake Nature Center

Local Animal of the Month: Tiger Salamander

Photo by Christina Foust, Auraria campus

FUN FACT: Salamanders can regrow an entire tail or leg! 

For more information on tiger salamanders, visit the archive.

Recycling your cardboard is as easy as:

1-Asking yourself: Can I use this for something else? Could a parent give it away as a moving box, for instance, on the Buy Nothing Central Park Facebook Group? If not...

2-Check for any dirt or grease. Dirty or greasy cardboard cannot be recycled. Throw it in the trash.

3-Break down the box so it's flat!

4-Put the cardboard into the purple cart.

Photo by Roberto Sorin, Unsplash.com

Recycling Tip of the Month:

Don't Throw Cash in the Trash! CARDBOARD

We conclude our special "Don't throw Cash in the Trash" series this month. We've already covered 2 of the 3 things so easy and important to recycle that we should do it every single time--glass and metal. This month, let's talk cardboard! 

Corrugated cardboard is a special type of paper that is extra strong because of the wavy layers of paper between the flat sheets (see photo to the left!). People began using paper boxes for packaging in the early 1800s, with English companies shipping hats in simple boxes a lot like cereal boxes. Today, with companies like Amazon, cardboard boxes seem to be everywhere--estimates show 100 billion boxes are made each year. The good news is, most of these come from recycled cardboard. Cardboard can be recycled without losing quality (like glass and metals). 1 ton of cardboard is about the equivalent of 2577 boxes, or $78 current cash value. One ton of cardboard is also roughly equal to 17 trees that would be cut down for the paper. Trees fight climate change in many ways, so let's keep recycling that cardboard. Or, better yet, REUSE cardboard boxes! Got a great idea for how to reuse cardboard? Email us! greenteam@thewcepta.com