Kinder Unit 4 Visual and Performing Arts

The goal of the Visual and Performing Art unit is to ensure that students gain the language necessary to describe events in a sequence, retell stories, and perform in front of an audience. They build a bank of present, past, and future tense verbs and verb phrases, and integrate these action words into storytelling and dialogue. Students build their knowledge of descriptive adjectives as well as nouns and ordinal numbers. They develop an understanding of two classic stories and their characters by performing the tales with pantomime actions and props, and by reciting story refrains. Students learn to bring excitement to a performance with exclamatory phrases, and they apply social courtesies by giving and receiving compliments.

This unit helps equip students with the language needed to express understanding of main events in a story, combine verbal and kinesthetic communication, and practice giving supportive feedback. Learning this language particularly supports students in communicating clearly to an audience.

Practicing new parts...

After reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff, we wrote a retell. Here are the students reading their writing!

Watch the amazing performances of the Three Billy Goats Gruff! We worked on character's voice and thanking people for watching our performances! Afterward the students also practiced giving compliments to the performers!!