social emotional learning

at home

What is social emotional learning?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process of learning and applying a set of social, emotional, behavioral, and character skills needed to succeed in school, work, relationships, and life. This might include learning about emotion regulation, prosocial skills, bullying prevention, character education, conflict resolution, and social skills training. SEL can help us with focusing attention, managing behavior, keeping friendships, building positive relationships with teachers, participating in class, enjoying school, and overall be better learners. Check out some ideas for social emotional learning at home below!

¿Qué es el aprendizaje emocional social?

El aprendizaje social y emocional (SEL, por sus otros) se refiere al proceso de aprendizaje y aplicación de un conjunto de habilidades sociales, emocionales, conductuales y de carácter necesarias para tener éxito en la escuela, el trabajo, las relaciones y la vida. Esto podría incluir el aprendizaje sobre la regulación de las emociones, las habilidades prosociales, la prevención del acoso escolar, la educación del carácter, la resolución de conflictos y la capacitación en habilidades sociales. SEL puede ayudarnos a enfocar la atención, manejar el comportamiento, mantener amistades, construir relaciones positivas con los maestros, participar en clase, disfrutar de la escuela y ser mejores estudiantes en general. Echa un vistazo a algunas ideas para el aprendizaje emocional social en casa a continuación!

Put up a few visual reminders to help your kids name their feelings and learn how to manage them, too! Download them now by clicking the image to the left.

Free Second Step activities for children ages 5–13 for remote learning or for families to do with kids.

Help Grades K–5 students reinforce their social-emotional skills at home or as part of your remote-learning plan.

This free podcast is designed to help kids and families tackle the big feelings that come with growing up.

Help young children face significant challenges with videos, songs, family resources, and printable downloads.

In comics and with fun activities, our bullying prevention superhero shows how everyone can help stop bullying.

Real teens and their parents address hot-button topics to help others with useful advice, videos, and resources.