Other Activities To Do Each Week:

  • Go for walks. Talk about what you see, hear, see and feel. Have your child practice following directions (jump like a frog, move like a train, go fast, slow, stop, wait... etc).
  • Read!!! Read to your children every day! Try to develop routines around when you read together to make sure it is a part of your lives. In our family, we always read three books before nap time and bed time each day.
  • Bake together. Have your children help with measuring. mixing etc!
  • Involve your children with chores around the house . Let them 'help' you with laundry, sweeping, watering the flowers, loading the dishwasher and setting the table.
  • Count and Compare. Each day, find a way to incorporate counting into your lives- count the stairs as you climb them, count how many extra socks you have after laundry, count the number of marshmallows they eat at the campfire! Also find ways to compare things- which group has more/less, who is taller/shorter, what is colder/warmer!
  • Notice Print in your environment. Point out words that will be meaningful to your children and the letters in those words. For example, at the zoo find the word zoo and label each letter. It's a short word! Of course your child's favorite letters to find are the first letters in their name.
  • Practice writing their names. It is really important for our young students to practice good form, using a three finger grip on the writing utensil and that they start their letters at the top. Our class has been focusing on writing capital letters.
  • Sing silly songs together. The final page of this website has a few of our class' favorites.
  • Explore educational apps with your children. The links page has a list of free apps.