
frequently asked questions 

Who can join?

DCMB is open to any DPS Music student in grades 7 through 12, that have at least one year of experience on their instrument AND are currently enrolled in an instrumental music class at their school.

Where does DCMB rehearse?

DCMB rehearses in the Band Room at North High School. We rehearse mostly on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

How can I get to rehearsal?

DCMB has two buses that pick students up and drop them off at verious schools. Currently, those routes are as follows: 

Bus #1: DMLK Jr, DSA and East 

Bus #2: Thomas Jefferson, South, Grant Beacon 

These buses start at 4:30 pm, bring all the students to North HS and then run their routes in reverse at 8:00 pm to return students to those schools. Students can get on at any of the stops, and be dropped off at any stop. But once they get on the bus, they must arrive at rehearsal.

How much does DCMB cost?

DCMB is FREE to join!

Can I borrow an instrument?

We have instruments that we can loan you. We just need a form filled out. Send us an email so we can an instrument ready for your first rehearsal.

I missed the first rehearsal. Can I still come?

YES! We understand that life happens. As long as you can commit to being at most rehearsals and performances, missing one or two is not a big deal. Students are welcome to join us as late as October.