Hello my name is Josephine.

At the beginning of the school year someone made fun of the fact that I like rainbows. And he called me a lesbian. Most people would be offended by this. But I wasn’t, I was really hurt. At the time he did not know this, but my cousin is a rainbow baby. This means that before him he had many siblings. Although he is an only child. A rainbow baby is where a baby is born after a miscarriage or a still birth of a sibling. My aunt had many miscarriages before my cousin and for a while it seemed impossible for my aunt to have a baby. When my cousin was born he had health problems and still does. But he makes his way through life the way a normal 8 year old should. I am proud of him for this. And I hope that nobody has to be hurt by this stereotype the way I was.

Back to the future 2048

Dear Diary, 1/1/48

It was 3:00 am. I was so tired after staying up until 12:00 am for new years. It was 2018 and I was ready for a new year. Sleeping peacefully in my own bed was the only thing I was thinking about doing at the time. But I woke up. And to my surprise I was being pulled through a wormhole into another time period. I was captured by my future self and thrown into a bag. It seemed as if she didn’t want me to see the future. The air was so polluted, and smelled like gasoline, it tasted like it too. I could only see a small amount of light through the bag. But the shapes I saw were unreal. I saw people everywhere. But not doing anything. They seemed to be frozen in time. This is when I realized that me and my future self were the only ones moving. And I am not in a bag! I am in a small room! A small glass room. In a virtual world. But, why was I caring myself around? It seemed so weird, I have only played with fake virtual reality toys. And now to be trapped in a world of it.

“This is not happening! “ I told myself.

Suddenly I heard a scream, “AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!”

“What was that?” I asked myself. “Or better yet WHO?”

The world went dark. I was shivering in fear. As soon as I knew it I was trembling on my knees. With no control over my body. Free at last, but why was I was so scared?


“What was that?” I was terrified. Hit to the ground, laying on my stomach. This was to much. I was in pain!

My hair was gone and I was wearing a helmet. I slowly lifted the helmet off of my head. And I could see again. But I was still not home. My hair was back and the pain was gone. I was in a glass box, one just like I could feel as I was being carried around. I couldn’t move but I could see everything. I lost two of my senses. Touch and taste. I couldn’t feel anything. It was like I was paralyzed. That is when I remembered that I still had a Cheez It in my pocket. Maybe that was the only thing I could taste. It was still better than nothing. As soon as I put it up to my lips I could smell the cheese and salt. But it vaporized. I had not thought about it this way. Cheez its must not exist where I am. Or when I am. I looked around, people were walking. Cars were driving by. And everybody was talking so loud. Just like at home. Though the people were not walking they were hovering. And the cars did not have tiers they were gliding above the ground. I could still smell the gasoline but not I could not taste it the way I could before.

This seemed so weird. But the most ridiculous thing was a sign saying, “WELCOME TO 2048!

Dear diary, 1/2/48

I was stuck in that box all night. Staring up at that sign. Looking around at the other people in the glass boxes. I was starting to find peace with the new futuristic world. Until I saw that everyone was wearing helmets. The people in the cars. Everyone who was walking around or just talking way too loud. They were all wearing helmets. I looked up to see a “BIG RED BUTTON”Or at leased those were the words written on it. Their were voices in my head. So many telling me different things.

“Press it! If you don’t you will die!” One told me.

“What do you think you are doing? Who knows what it will do!” Said the other.

This was making me question myself. “Am I making a good decision? What do I do? What will it do? Do I press it or not? ”

Long story short I pressed the button and was set free. Or at least I felt free. I could stretch out my arms and my legs. But I was back in vertical reality.

“Seriously what is happening?” I screamed out loud hoping that someone would hear me. “I don’t even understand how the world works anymore!”

I was not wearing a helmet this time but I was no longer an 11 year old I was 41. When I looked down I was laying on a bed. I stepped off of the bed and walked out of the room. The warm, soft carpet wavered as I walked across the floor. It felt like this was where I was meant to be. But, what about my house. Looking around at old pictures of myself was the only thing I could do. But I also saw pictures of myself that I hadn't even taken yet. Like my 6th grade picture day photo that was not until January,4th. And I was wearing the outfit I picked out too. I looked over to see a picture of a grown up me next to a man and two kids.

“Honey!” A man called from the room I had just come from.

As I walked back to the room not knowing who he was referring to I saw two other rooms that I had not seen before. Two bedrooms that belonged to children. I didn’t know who they were but they were the cutest kids I‘d ever seen. As I walked into the room I felt safe. There was a man who looked both relieved and worried to see me. But why?

“Who are these people!” I asked myself. “Is this all a dream?”