
Diry entery

It is just an ordinary day reguler school everything was normal when Tom walked home to Tom could not choose what snack he wanted so he got every good thing like gummy bears, gummy worms,chips and all of that junk.All of a suddenly a blonde bearded guy came in to rob the store the guy was covered with tattoos.Tom sprinted out while he was not looking he fired the gun at him the bullet was as loud as a siren.So he jumped into a wall thinking that there was no wall. He fell asleep for a couple hours then he started heading home once he got home it was all covered in spider webs and mold It looked like it has been like this for three decades.Then he went to his grandma's house luckily that house had not been moldy covered with spider webs.He went over the creaky steps he knock on the door someone had answered but it wasn't who he was expecting It was a random couple in their new house.He went to downtown he realized that most of the buildings have decayed. His favorite place ever was not there anymore the ice cream shop went to this strange looking ally way. there were so many rats.