
Centennial 2nd and 3rd grade students working as hydrologists to filter water. Check out some photos!

Head over to the Berkeley Lake page to see our hydrologists exploring organisms in and near the water.

Caring for Water and Cleaning Water

Take a journey with Denver Water to see how much water you use.

South Platte Renew cleans 20 million gallons of wastewater each day and returns it to the South Platte River. Here's how!

How does Denver Water clean water from the South Platte River so we can drink it? Check out this demo.

Wetlands, areas of water and land, are nature's water filters. They do many essential jobs, too! Make a list of the ways that
A Wetland is like a...

Some surfaces are better for infiltration. Infiltration is when water moves into the ground from the surface. Use this app to explore how different surfaces are better at infiltration.

The Water Cycle!

Water Cycle with Blazer Fresh

Water Cycle Diagrams

Explore water cycle models

Animals and Water

How do ducks and geese stay warm and dry?

Watch how tadpoles migrate each spring.

Macroinvertebrates (tiny organisms) can tell us if water is healthy.

What can water do?

How can water change land?

How are the Earth and water connected?

How do we know if water is clean? We can check the quality using chemical tests and looking for macroinvertebrates. Mr. Donny shows us how to do these water tests.

WaterQualityBerkeleyLake (1).mp4

Chemical tests

Berkely Lake Ragtime.mp4

Looking for Macroinvertebrates

How can we keep water clean? Make sure no pollution gets into the water! We can mark the storm drains to remind our community that only water should go into these drains.


Miss Michelle explains how and why to mark storm drains.


Mr. Donny shows us how to attach stickers to storm drains.