
On this page, you can access resources to support your work in building your coaching capacity through the RPIC project. Below you will find a title and a brief description of each resource in the "Top Ten" for coaching, along with links to these specific resources.

At the bottom of the page, you can access the complete Coaching Resource spreadsheet with this "Top Ten" list plus additional resources to support coaching development within the RPIC project. This spreadsheet has been organized to help you easily search for and locate resources.

*Please note that the "Top Ten" list will be updated on occasion to reflect the most relevant/helpful coaching resources as new resources become available.*

"Top Ten" Resources for Coaching

Coaching Competency Practice Profile (Version 3.0)

The Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP) is a tool describing the essential functions that allow coaching to be teachable, learnable, and doable in educational settings.

Keyword(s): Coaching, Practice Profile, Competency, Component

Coaching System Development: Exploration Stage

Based on the National Implementation Research Network's tool. This stage explores the system-level considerations for coaching. Ideally, these are the considerations you would consider prior to hiring coaches; however, even if coaches are present, these speak to the initial supports that would benefit a coaching system.

Keyword(s): Exploration, Resources, Evidence, Implementation

Coaching System Development: Installation Stage

Based on the National Implementation Research Network's tool. This stage explores the system-level considerations for coaching. Ideally, these are the considerations you would consider after coaches are hired.

Keyword(s): Installation, Resources

Coaching Competency Self-Assessment

The Coaching Competency Self Assessment is a private reflection of your coaching skills and needs related to the Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP).

Keyword(s): Self-Assessment, Reflection, Goal-Setting

General Coaching Sentence Stems

This resource from Elena Aguilar at Bright Morning Team provides go-to coaching stems for facilitative and directive coaching.

Keyword(s): Coaching, Stems, Responses

Expansive Listening

From Elena Aguilar, this document considers an array of different ways to show up as a listener. It contains a brief description of each way of listening and a series of reflective questions to determine where a coach finds listening strengths and opportunities for growth.

Keyword(s): Listening, Reflection, Awareness

Consultancy Protocol

A Consultancy is a structured process for helping an individual or a team think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma. Outside perspective is critical to this protocol working effectively; therefore, some of the participants in the group must be people who do not share the presenter’s specific dilemma at that time. When putting together a Consultancy group, be sure to include people with differing perspectives.

Keyword(s): Perspective, Dilemma

Transformational Coaching

This resource describes transformational coaching and provides strategies to explore three domains of who we are: our behaviors, beliefs, and ways of being. We call these “the three Bs.”

Keyword(s): Conversation, Self-Reflection, Growth

Responding to Implicit Bias and Deficit Thinking

This resource provides considerations for responses that would be effective as we work to disrupt deficit thinking, negative assumptions, or unconscious bias. The resource includes essential factors to consider along with sample coaching questions and statements.

Keyword(s): Interrupt, Shift, Equity

Equity Mindset Cards

DPI document providing guidance based on a collection of mindsets that are key to equitable decision making (teaming). Each mindset contains a description, coaching questions, key practices, and common pitfalls.

Keyword(s): Mindset, Questions, Practices, Pitfalls, Resources

Visit the linked RPIC Coaching Resource Spreadsheet to access a variety of helpful coaching resources.

1 - DPI Coaching Resource Warehouse