Recommendation #6:

Provide On-going Adult SEL/ Self-care support

Conduct regular virtual meetings with job-alike staff/PLCs related to self-care and social emotional status

The shift to distance learning has impacted educators' sense of identity and role in unexpected and anxiety-provoking ways. District and building leaders can support all staff’s social-emotional well-being by organizing/encouraging regular check-in meetings for job-alike staff (e.g., central office departments, grade-level teams, principals, specialized instructional support/related service teams, etc.). When leaders become aware of existing relational dynamics, they can implement practices to strengthen staff relationships that will result in more meaningful collaboration and engagement with SEL (CASEL, 2020) .

Recommendation #5

District and school leaders model self-care

Leading schools and teaching are among the most stressful occupations in the U.S. (Gallup, 2014); we didn’t need coronavirus to highlight this fact. Given the stress leaders and educators are experiencing during the pandemic, self-care is critical.

Recommendation 5.1