ENGLISH DAY - 18th March 2024

English Day celebration at our high school on March 18th was a memorable and engaging event for the educational community. Organized by the foreign languages department, the day featured a diverse range of activities catering to various interests and skills. 

Participants had the opportunity to participate in a variety of workshops, including cooking pancakes, decorating cupcakes, 5 challenges gymkhana, a badminton tournament, a rugby tag match, an Easter egg hunt, an escape room adventure and a pub quiz and karaoke event.

The atmosphere throughout the day was lively and filled with laughter, with ESO students enjoying the activities and winning exciting prizes. For those involved in energizing the event, it was also a rewarding experience of teamwork and responsibility. Overall, English Day wasn’t just fun but also an educational and enriching experience. Lots of people want to make it a tradition at our school because it brought us all together for a day of fun and learning.