SJE Extra Curricular
Unleashing every students potential
At SJE we want every student to unleash their own potential. For this reason, SJE offers an extensive range of extracurricular opportunities. All students are encouraged to participate. Involvement will extend students, develop skills, build friendships and a sense of belonging to the school and wider community.
If there is an opportunity you believe SJE should be involved in contact Ms Blades; (Unleashing Potential Coordinator)
Click on links to Unleash your Potential!
Social Justice Opportunities (Vinnies & PAX)
Environmental Opportunities (JAG)
Performing Arts (eg. Drama Club, Art Club, Music Jam, Choir, Annual School Production etc)
Dance (Wakakirri, Aboriginal Dance- Boys and Girls)
Special Interest Groups (Manga Club. SJNN, Chess, Public Speaking, Debating etc)
Competitions (ASX, Da Vinci Decathlon, Plane Simple Competition)
Academic Support (Maths Tutoring, Homework Centre)
Spiritual Opportunities (Twilight Retreat, Catholic Youth Festival, Sacrament Program)
Representative Sports (Triathlon, Sporting- Teams and Individual)
School Community Service (Working Bees, Open Night)
SJE in the Community (ANZAC marches, Timor, Legacy, Relay For Life)