
Your wellbeing as parents is particularly important in maintaining a positive and hopeful environment for your child/ren and included below are some resources to assist you as a parent or carer.

Being aware of yourself and your child's emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing will assist you in attending to needs early, and if needed, to seek the right support in time.

In addition to the resources below, please seek support for your child from the school in the following ways:

  • Talk to your child's teacher

  • Talk to the Principal

  • Contact the school to request the services of the School's Pastoral Support Worker - Cecilia Welsh (CatholicCare

  • Contact the school to request the services of the School Counsellor- Emily Lim (CatholicCare)

The wellbeing of your family is the most important thing you can attend to during the pandemic and remote learning. While learning is very important, your child's learning will not be as effective if they are under emotional stress.

Please click on the link to access additional well-being support information (from our school newsletter)

Looking after our well-being with Mrs Welch (School's Pastoral Support Worker)

Physical Activity

Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines


  • For health benefits, children aged 5-12 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.

  • Children’s physical activity should include a variety of aerobic activities, including some vigorous intensity activity.

  • On at least three days per week, children should engage in activities that strengthen muscle and bone.

  • To achieve additional health benefits, children should engage in more activity – up to several hours per day.


To reduce health risks, children aged 5-12 years should minimise the time they spend being sedentary every day. To achieve this:

  • Limit use of electronic media for entertainment (e.g. television, seated electronic games and computer use) to no more than two hours a day - lower levels are associated with reduced health risks.

  • Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.


Mental Health Concerns

Does Your Child Need Help with their Wellbeing?

CatholicCare School Counsellor

Kerrie Paul, our CatholicCare School Counsellor is also available for the counselling needs of students. Please contact Mrs Charadia if you feel your child needs support.

Our Pastoral Support Worker is here to help with student wellbeing and families.

CatholicCare Wollongong administers the program and Cecilia Welch is the Pastoral Support Worker to St Joseph’s, two days per week. Cecilia is experienced, skilled and qualified to provide:

  • support for students with emotional needs

  • self-esteem building, resilience and/ or mindfulness skills,

  • family support.

Please contact the school office for assistance.

Telephone or Online Mental Health Support Services

Kids Helpline


Beyond Blue

Mental Health Access Line

Call 1800 011 511.


Parents Leading the Way

ARTICLE- Helping Children Cope with Changes Resulting from Covid-19

World Health Organisation: Parenting tips during COVID-19 (PDF's on parenting tips)

National Association for School Psychologists: Talking to children about COVID-19 a parent resource

UNICEF- What you need to know about the virus and protecting your family

The NDIS and COVID- 19 Frequently Asked Questions

Australian Government Health Department COVID-19 Health Alert (updated daily) and NSW Government COVID-19

Parents seeking more information should be encouraged to call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080
