COVID Symptoms and Sick Children

What do I do if my child is sick even with mild symptoms?

Remote Learning and School Supervision

Students should not be at school unless it is absolutely necessary.
Supervision will continue to be provided for students absolutely unable to stay home.

Any student who is unwell, even with very mild symptoms, must stay home.

Any student who attends school with any COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home and must present a negative COVID-19 test and be free of symptoms before they return. Thank you for understanding the importance of these measures in keeping our students, staff and school community safe.

Coronavirus Symptoms and Testing

  • NSW Health recommends that everyone gets tested for COVID-19, even with the mildest of symptoms.

  • Students and staff must not return to school until they are no longer showing any symptoms of illness.

Common coronavirus symptoms



Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)

Sore throat

Loss of smell or taste

Expanded coronavirus symptoms


Muscle or joint pain

Runny nose



Vomiting or diarrhoea

Loss of appetite


Students and Staff DO need to obtain a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school and provide evidence of a negative test.