Attendance Policy 


Attendance will be taken at 3:30 daily.  Athletes will check in AND check out of practice.

Unexcused Absences (examples):

We have built in 3 days to miss for reasonable excuses.  Please plan accordingly; the season track schedule is now available and if you can change appointments to avoid conflicts, that would be best.

**If there are extenuating circumstances, email the coach and we will reach out for discussion and consideration on a case by case basis.

Injury Policy:

All athletes are expected to attend and check in to ALL practices.  Once an athlete has checked in to practice, any injured athletes will be allowed to rehabilitate in the weight room ONLY if a coach is available to supervise.  Otherwise,  injured athletes will come to the track after they have been seen by the trainer.


How do I contact the coach regarding an absence?

Please email