Student Voice

Your chance to have your say

Student feedback shapes and directs the future of the College Group.

We want to hear your feedback before and whilst studying with us. Let us know what you think has gone well, what we can improve on any other general feedback.

You can scan the QR code or click the Student Voice image to access and provide feedback to us.

Once you have started with us, we want you to feedback to us throughout your time at college. Use the same link to give us feedback while you are at college, so we can improve the experience for you and others too.

Within courses Student Representatives are elected.

Their purpose is to represent others on their course.

Throughout the academic year Student Parliament meetings are held to obtain feedback from Student Representatives. As a Student Representative you can benefit from:

  • Input into decisions making;

  • Gaining employability skills

  • Expanding and adding to your CV

  • Supporting others on your course.

For more information, speak with your Course Tutor or Coach.