Wellness Maricopa

The MCCCD Wellness Website is designed to be consistent with wellness practices around the world and will emphasize topics related to healthy-living, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet and spiritual practices. 

The site will focus on the eight dimensions of wellness: social, financial, intellectual, physical, environmental, occupational, emotional, and spiritual. The site will convey messages through video, audio, and other multi-modal methods, and will cover wellness topics that are relevant and useful, helping you to apply the most up to date information and wellness practice into your daily life. 

Join us on this journey, your wellness is our goal.

8 Dimensions of Wellness Maricopa County Community College District

Wellness Maricopa Mission

Wellness Maricopa serves as advocates to promote and support organizational and individual well-being across MCCCD through education, prevention, early detection, and access to comprehensive resources.

The Wellness Maricopa Vision

The adoption of a culture throughout MCCCD that results in outcomes such as improved health, greater feelings of well-being, heightened personal performance and is directly related to student success.​