October 2022

SU Activities in October 2022

Movie Appreciation!

14th October, 2022 (Fri) / BBT, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

"Movie Appreciation" is designed specially for Pooikeinians who love watching movies and would like to spend a leisure and enjoyable time with their friends after school. 

The Student Union proudly presents the first "Movie Appreciation" session with a fascinating movie, "The Greatest Showman"! Based on a true story, this movie follows the fascinating and inspiring life of a man who, through hard work and passion, led a team of talented minorities to create a sensation on the stage. This movie is also filled with good music and great dances too!

Students who would like to join this activity, please **Sign Up Here**!

Pooi Kei Fiesta

25th October, 2022 (Tue) / Red Brick Area

Students can enjoy a variety of musical performances during lunchtime (1:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.) at the Red Brick Area. Students who are interested in sharing their love for music and arts, and would like to share their musical and artistic talents with their fellow schoolmates, are welcome to sign up for a time slot to perform. 

Have a sneak peek of the music and dance performances we have prepared for you!

Fiesta promotion video .mp4