Co-Curricular Activities

30th March, 2022 (Wed)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. /Astronomy Activity

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 881 3880 0800

Passcode: 945567

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Samuel Ng

Summary of this activity:

In this activity, students will learn about some basics of astronomy and information about stars and planets.

Activity highlights

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. / Aviation: Talk to a Pilot!

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 842 9307 2099

Passcode: 20220330

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Joey Chan

Summary of this activity:

Fun facts about flying! Fun games to challenge! You can talk to an airline pilot to know more about the fun parts of his work life. Don't miss the chance if you aspire to fly above the cloud!

Get your mobile ready for the challenging games in Aviation!

Activity highlights

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon / Sharing of Alumni, Mr Boris Kwok - Confident Explorer

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 709 587 0585

Passcode: 123456

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Samuel Poon

Summary of this activity:

Mr Boris Kwok is the former SU chairperson. He will share his extraordinary experiences, namely:

S2: LEWOWA - Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡

S3: Taiwan cycling trip 台灣單車環島

S4: Snow mountain climbing in Nepal 尼泊爾爬雪山

S6: Cycling around Taiwan with his classmate 與同學二人台灣單車環島挑戰

University 大學: Being a volunteer in Sri Lanka twice 兩次到斯里蘭卡做義工

Now 現在: Studying International Relationship in the UK 在英國讀國際關係

Activity highlights

6th April, 2022 (Wed)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. / Brush Lettering (For S.1-S.3 students)

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 832 2706 3168

Passcode: 040622

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Celia Ip

Targeted students: S1-S3

Summary of this activity:

Brush lettering is a style of writing similar to calligraphy. In each letter, heavy pressure is applied on the downward stroke and light pressure on every upward stroke. Because of the use of pressure and the appearance of the letters, brush lettering is commonly known as modern calligraphy.

In this session, students will learn how to use the App "Procreate" in doing brush lettering.

Brush Lettering (軟筆書法) 是西洋書法最易入門的一種。工作坊會教大家如何應用ipad APP Procreate 書寫軟筆書法。初學者都能輕易上手和享受寫字的樂趣。

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. / AI & International Chess Workshop

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 554 380 7950

Passcode: 890285

Teachers-in-charge: Mr William Lam & Mr Arthur Yeung

Summary of this workshop:

In this workshop, students will learn about AI (Artificial Intelligence) in chess and its impacts on the chess world. Students will also learn how to play international chess enjoy the fun of playing chess.


Activity highlights

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon / Environment Protection Talk

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 853 5559 3893


Teacher-in-charge: Mr Markus Kwan

Summary of this activity:

In this session, Mr Kwan will share some useful tips on environmental protection which can be used at home during this pandemic period.


Activity highlights

13th April, 2022 (Wed)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. / Korean Culture

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 839 3875 8636

Passcode: 628646

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Yannes Tang

Summary of this activity:

In this session, Ms Tang will introduce the popular culture of Korea. Students who are interested in Korean culture must not miss this session!

Activity highlights

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. / Book Lover Chitchat

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 959 7470 4457

Passcode: 97Fwih

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Ether Ho

Summary of this activity:

In this session, Mr Ether Ho, the school's teacher librarian, and the student librarians will share their favourite books with students. Students who join this session are welcome to do their book sharing too!

一個讓愛書人輕輕鬆鬆、自由自在地分享交流的活動。圖書館老師和Student Librarians會分享近期讀過的有趣圖書,參加者亦可自由分享,書本主題及內容不限。

Activity highlights

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon / Micro-film making by mobile phone

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 860 2615 5704

Passcode: SPKCMIS

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Katherine Leung

Summary of this workshop:

In this session, students will learn how to take pictures and videos with use of the mobile phones, and the skills and techniques which can make the pictures or videos look more professional.

隨著智能手機的拍攝功能大幅提升,不少製作和特別的鏡頭運鏡也由手機做到,但究竟手機和專業相機是否只能二選其一?這次workshop 將教導大家如何借助各類的小物件和轉場技巧來製作一段特色影片。

Activity highlights

20th April, 2022 (Wed)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. / Japanese culture and meeting with exchange student

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 957 1048 9025

Passcode: 123456

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Kit Lee

Summary of this activity:

In this session, the exchange student from Japan, Marin, will introduce her hometown, Nara, its culture and famous cuisine. She will also teach students some basic Japanese. Students who are interested in Japanese culture must attend this session!

尋找她鄉的故事-Marin的故鄉奈良 (名聲、文化、美食),跟留學生學習日文。

Activity highlights

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. / Maker Talk

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 880 9081 9431

Passcode: 490219

Teachers-in-charge: Ms Dionne Lun & Mr Samuel Ng

Summary of this activity:
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. In this session, students will learn how to create animations, texts and stories with use of "Scratch".

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon / Social Service Talk

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting Code: 828 3144 2511

Passcode: 23454567

Teachers-in-charge: Ms Bobo Leung

Summary of this activity:

In this talk, the speakers will discuss about the needs and challenges of people of various social status under the pandemic.


Activity highlights