
RoktoData (রক্তদ্বাতা) is a Blood Donor and Blood Bank Management System that operates as a standalone software application designed to streamline the management of blood donors and blood bank operations. It does not rely on external systems but may integrate with database management systems to store and retrieve data efficiently.

The Blood Donor and Blood Bank Management System is a console-based Windows application that relies on C file handling for data storage and retrieval. The following environment details apply:

Simultaneously, the Blood Bank Management component will manage blood stock by accurately tracking quantities and blood types, enabling timely responses to customer requests and maintaining a comprehensive customer list. With data preservation through file handling, the project ensures that vital information is securely stored and available for analysis and reporting. This system's primary goal is to enhance the accessibility of blood resources for patients in need by providing real-time information on blood stock availability and fostering effective communication between blood banks and donors. The expected outcome also includes a user-friendly console-based interface, making it accessible to different user classes, such as blood donors, blood bank staff, and administrators. In conclusion, the project's outcome aims to contribute to the vital mission of ensuring a consistent and sufficient supply of blood while simplifying the management of blood-related operations within healthcare institutions.

Product Screenshots


Blood Donor Management

Blood Bank Management

Help and Information

Technology used


MarsPharma is built using the C programming language


MarsPharma is Console Based Windows Application