How to use?

Step 1: Unzip the distributable zip file.

Step 2: After unzipping, you will find the marspharma.sql file and marspharma.jar file. Install Java and XAMPP in your system to use the software.

Step 4: To install XAMPP, go to

Step 5: Go to XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL. (Ports must have to be as shows, MySQL username must have to be "root" without quotations. MySQL password must have to be blank.

Step 6: Go to MySQL Admin Panel from XAMPP Control Panel and create a database named "marspharma" without quotations. 

Step 7: Go to the created "marspharma" database and click on import. Select the "marspharma.sql" file that you unzipped and import it.

Step 8: After importing you will find three table. The "appuser" table is for the users of the software. There are two premade users, one is "admin" and another is "pharma". You can control the users from here as well as from the software. 

The "medicine" table contains some preadded medicines. You can modify the table from here as well as from the software. 

The "bill" table contain the generated bills. 

Step 9: Now you are good to go to run the software. Please run the software from the folder where the lib folder is also present. You can create a shortcut of "marspharma.jar" in your desktop too.

Step 10: Login with the "admin" or "pharma" profile. I believe you are smart enough to find the other features of the software by your own. In case of facing any difficulty, you can always reach to us.