
MarsPharma, our flagship Java-based Pharmacy Management Software. MarsPharma is designed to streamline and optimize the operations of pharmacies, empowering them to efficiently manage their inventory, and sales on.

With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, MarsPharma simplifies the day-to-day tasks of pharmacy staff, allowing them to focus on providing quality care to their customers. The software offers comprehensive features such as inventory management, ensuring accurate stock tracking, and seamless integration.

MarsPharma enables smooth sales transactions, with the ability to generate invoices, process payments, and maintain a detailed sales history. 

By implementing MarsPharma, pharmacies can enhance their operational efficiency, reduce manual errors, and improve customer service. Experience the power of streamlined pharmacy management with MarsPharma, revolutionizing the way pharmacies operate and deliver care.

Product Screenshots


Role-Based Access Control

Ensure data security and privacy by assigning different levels of access and permissions to authorized personnel.

Inventory Management

Track and manage medication stock levels, automate reordering, and maintain an up-to-date inventory.

Sales Transactions

Process sales transactions, generate invoices, and maintain a comprehensive sales history.

Technology used


MarsPharma is built using the Java programming language, known for its versatility, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility.


The software utilizes Swing, a powerful framework for building modern and interactive user interfaces, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.


MarsPharma employs an RDBMS, MySQL, to store and manage structured data efficiently, ensuring data integrity and reliability.


 JCalendar is integrated into MarsPharma to provide a user-friendly and intuitive date picker component.


The iTextPDF library is utilized in MarsPharma to generate and manipulate PDF documents seamlessly.