Academy Application 

The HHS Engineering Academy application process will open Spring 2025 for new applicants.    Please see Mr. Wedoff with questions.   Interviews will be held on April 10th.


Step 1Students: Complete the Student Information Form form by  Tuesday March 18th.   

Step 2Parents:  Please complete the Parent Form by Wednesday April 3rd

Step 3:  Decide which two teachers you would like to fill out the Teacher Recommendation and either email them or hand them the Request for Teacher Recommendation Form.    Teachers will access the Google Form link through the Raider Times Newsletter from Dr. Belin.  Please ask your teachers ASAP! 

*Note:  Engineering Academy teachers cannot give recommendations since we review your applications.  Please think of other teachers who can attest to your character and habits. 

Step 4:   Complete the Student Essay Form.   These short answer responses will help prepare you for your interview. 

Step 5:  Check to make sure everything has been turned in using the link provided below.   Follow up with the teachers or your parents for forms if necessary prior to April 3rd.

What Has Been Completed Checklist.

Step 6:  Check your email for your interview time.  Times will be released by April 7th. 

 You will be notified early to mid May about the status of your application.   Please reach out to Mr. Wedoff if you have questions.