Manufacturing and Trades

Trades: Unions

You may need to apply to be eligible to join the union. Ask about the requirements for joining and whether you need to participate in a formal apprenticeship program. Meet with a representative to learn about dues and how the union will connect you to projects. The union representative will explain the process to you 

Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO)

Apprenticeship Programs in Northeastern IL

IDEAS (Illinois Department of Employment Security) 

What are Apprenticeships

Electrical Union - How to join IBEW

Plumbers Union Local 130

Plumber - How to become a plumber in Illinois

IBEW Local 196

albat (American Line Builders Joint Apprenticeship & Training

Trades:  Non-Unions

Typically, non-union trades are trained by external formal vocational institutions, like trade schools, or apprenticeships within specific contracting companies. In addition, they may seek training through apprenticeship programs. 

Black Diamond Prospect Program 

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