Learning Facilitators - Learning at Home

During independent work, students may need help understanding the directions and submitting their work. At school, independent work is a time where teachers are still supporting students as they work. The learning facilitator should help guide students as they complete their independent work by clearing up misunderstandings and ensuring they are following the assignment directions. While the work should be completed independently by students, there are times where they will need your assistance reteaching and explaining certain concepts.

During assessments, learning facilitators should not be providing assistance with questions and concepts. The learning facilitator's role during assessments is to help the student with any technical challenges navigating the assessment or reading the questions aloud to younger students if the teacher has approved that. Learning facilitators should not be giving students support by helping them answer the question. During assessments, ensure that your student's camera is on and the teacher can see them working independently.

Teachers use student work and assessments to understand your child's abilities so that they can make a plan to support them. When students receive help on assessments, it is very challenging for their teacher to support their academic growth without authentic information about their true ability.

We ask that you have your child show their knowledge during assessments by allowing them to sometimes make mistakes. We understand it can be challenging to watch a child select an incorrect answer, especially when you know you've just worked on similar problems with them and they've been successful. We have the same feeling as teachers in the classroom! However, allowing them to make these mistakes provides valuable information for teachers about how they can support your child and help them grow.