English for Speakers of Other Languages

What is ESOL?

ESOL means "English for Speakers of Other Languages" and is a subject available for those pupils who have an identified English as an Additional Language need. ESOL takes the place of English, and is generally advised for those eligible pupils who are or will struggle to achieve success in the equivalent English subject. 

ESOL can be taken at National 2, National 3, and National 4 with no exam to pass. The subject is passed based on class assessments and class work.

ESOL can be taken at National 5 and Higher with an exam at the end. 


The ESOL exam is taken at the same time as other school subject exams in April and May, with the speaking element of the exam usually done in March.

The exam consists of testing the four skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.

All four skills are assessed separately. The Speaking exam is arranged by the school and usually takes place in March. The Listening, Reading, and Writing exams are all arranged by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and take place at the same time across Scotland. These exams all require candidates to write their answers on an exam paper.