Scope & Schedule

Project Scope 

The project includes the rehabilitation of the Gull River Bridge and Overflow Structure, and intersection improvements at County Road 48, located along Highway 35 in Coboconk, Ontario. The project consists of the following key elements (to be confirmed/updated as the study progresses):

NEW! Highway 35 and County Road 48 Intersection Improvements

Gull River Bridge

Gull River Overpass Structure

Utilities on and near the bridges, including hydro, sanitary forcemain, and telecommunications, will also be relocated as part of the project.

Traffic Management, Temporary Road Closures & On-Street Parking at the Gull River Bridge

Localized temporary road closures are anticipated to be required to facilitate construction and traffic staging, including the following closures where they intersect with Highway 35: these include South Water Street, Water Street, and Rock Street. Alternate access to Highway 35 will be provided, including Nightingale Road for the South Water Street closure, Albert Street and/or Grandy Road for the Water Street closure, and Baseline Road for the Rock Street closure. 

The proposed road closures are anticipated to be required for the duration of construction (approximately 2-3 construction seasons), and construction will be completed in two phases (Phase 1 and Phase 2). Phase 1 of construction will involve completion of the east side of the bridge, allowing for two lanes of traffic to remain open on the west side, and Phase 2 will involve construction on the west side of the bridge, allowing for two lanes to remain open on the east side. Required lane restrictions and/or side street road closures will be confirmed as part of the study. A timeline for construction will be determined during the study and will be subject to provincial priorities, funding and approvals.

On-street parking for local businesses that front Highway 35 in the vicinity of the structures will be impacted. The Project Team has been engaging with the Municipality to find creative solutions for addressing this impact and efforts will be made to maintain parking wherever feasible during construction. Please advise the Project Team if Highway 35 is the only access point for deliveries to your business (see the ‘Get Involved’ page for details on how to get in contact with the Project Team). 

New! To avoid lengthy detours and manage traffic on-site during construction, while also managing high pedestrian volumes during the summer season, the Constructability Review identified an opportunity to maintain pedestrian access through the installation of a temporary pedestrian bridge. 


The Gull River has been identified as navigable for the purposes of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act. There is potential for temporary impacts to navigability during construction at both structures. We are seeking comments on use of the river in this area for navigation (i.e., passing under the Gull River Bridge and/or Gull River Overflow), including types of watercraft being used. 

Note: the information provided above should be considered preliminary and subject to change and will confirmed as part of the study.

Schedule (Anticipated)

Note: schedule and activities subject to change based on ongoing consultation, environmental protection timing windows, provincial priorities, approvals, and funding.