Benchmark 1:

Target Population and applications

At Dilley Early College High School, we offer all our students the opportunity to earn an Associates Degree while also earning a High School Diploma. We do this with our Institute of Higher Education, Southwest Texas Junior College.

  • Our ECHS is 100% paid for including tuition and books.
  • 60 hours of college coursework is finished concurrently with a high school classes.
  • An Associates of Arts degree is conferred weeks before the high school diploma is actually conferred.
  • For those who are not sure that they want to work for the associates degree but would like to be core complete (24 college hours) or just take a smaller amount of college classes, we can accommodate you as well.
  • Some students may choose to work on a trade certificate instead of the more traditional academic classes. Dilley ECHS has programs for EMT and Welding 1 and 2 certificates.
  • All students may take advantage of the program to become college ready.

Our application process: We will talk to all our 8th graders about the program during their AVID classes. Next we have a parent information meeting to recruit our students. Announcements are made through social media as well as in the local newspaper. Any parent that wants additional information is encouraged to meet with ECHS staff.