6. Content knowledge and professional growth

"Technology coaches demonstrate professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in content, pedagogical, and technological areas as well as adult learning and leadership and are continuously deepening their knowledge and expertise."

Introduction to ISTE-CS

The indicators in this standard are largely about continuous learning, as digital education leaders, to improve our ability to facilitate technology enhanced learning experiences for educators and students alike. From the classroom to the larger organization (e.g., school, district, college, etc.), digital education leaders are tasked with being able to facilitate technology enhanced learning and change across all areas of education. At this time in our world, technology is changing so rapidly that keeping up with it all is really a never ending process. It is possible that one day we will land on a set of robust educational systems and tools that will fit the majority of our educational needs, but we’re not there yet. Instead, we have a constantly changing buffet of options. We are only just beginning to understand what education in a technology-rich world needs to look like, and I feel confident in guessing that our understanding will rapidly change too. Therefore, continual professional development for digital education leaders will be as important as ever.

To read more about my understanding of this standard, see the following pages about each indicator: