About me

My full name is Jorge Edgardo Pezoa Núñez but due to work reasons I shall write my name as: Jorge E. Pezoa. I was born in Los Ángeles, Chile in January 15th, 1976. My parents are Rosa Irene and Edgardo Luciano and I also have one brother Jaime Alejandro, which is 31 years old. My family is composed of my parents, my brother, my three aunts (Dorila Eliana, Elsa Avelina, and Gloria del Carmen), one uncle (Mario Alonso that passed away in 2009), all of them sisters and brother of my mother. Also, in my family I consider my female and older cousin María Cecilia, which is the daughter of Elsa Avelina.

My education started in 1980 when I attended to a kinder garden. In 1981, my mother switched me to San Rafael School (formerly Teresiano School). One year later, my mother changed her mind and I was transferred to the Liceo Alemán del Verbo Divino. During ten years I attended to that school spending the best years of my life.

The next stage in my life was University. Initially, I wanted to study Acoustic Engineering; however, in 1993 after taking the PSU test (formerly PAA test), I started studying Electrical Engineering at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Concepción. To be precise, I started studying Electronic Engineering, because that’s the name we give in Chile to an Electrical Engineer with a major in DSP, Control or Communications. In 1997, I graduated as BS in Engineering, and simultaneously, I applied to the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at the same department and University. Two years later I received the title of Electrical Engineer and I was awarded with First Class Honors. The same year, in August, I was hired as a lecturer at the Computer Science Department of the University of Concepción. I returned to the Electrical Engineering Departmentin 2001 when I was hired as a lecturer. Finally, I received the degree of M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 2003 after finishing my (almost eternal) thesis.

Before receiving the M.S. degree I met (actually, she met me) a wonderful woman: Angely Cárcamo, an Electrical Engineering student that was one of my students that year when I was teaching Computer Architecture. We started to date and she became my girlfriend in November 30th. We continued our relationship until January 12th 2005. That day, I flew to the USA to join the program of Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. In March, during the Spring break of 2005, I flew back to Chile to get married with Angely. During a crazy week, she graduated as an Electrical Engineer in March 15th and two days later (March 17th 2005) we got married. In April, Angely arrived to Albuquerque and since that day we have been living together. She started pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Economics, at the Economics Department at University of New Mexico, while simultaneously was working as a teaching assistant for the Spanish and Portuguese Department. Angely got her degree in December 2009, we went back to Chile in January 2010, and in December 2010 I got my doctoral degree.

During September 2011, we received the most amazing and wonderful news a family can receive: we got pregnant. In November 2011 after a couple of ultrasound tests doctors told us we are expecting a baby girl, which we named Emma Valentina and was born on April 25, 2012. Next, in May 2016 we received another amazing and wonderful news: we got pregnant again. This time it was a baby boy named Agustín Ignacio and was born on January 16, 2017.

My life is easy and simple: I enjoy to listen rock music, to play football, jogging, golfing, teaching, studing, and to use tech-toys such as console games, PDAs, Pocket and Tablet PCs.