Faces that Eat: (O/A)bjectifying Mukbang

A visual presentation of my undergraduate honors thesis in Critical Media Studies at Occidental College. Through my analysis, I ask: as American culture is not one which shies away from eating in abnormal abundance, was it the food the screeneaters consumed or the foreignness of the screeneaters that pushed the viewers to laughter, abjection, and objectification — acts birthed of uncomfortability that served to other the screeneaters along Orientalist, raced lines? For written work, please contact. 

Smelling the Screen

How does film manipulate and destroy our tactile memory similarly to how smelling destroys an aromatic object? 

Featuring Juzo Itami's Tampopo and Laura Marks' The Skin of The Film

What Makes a Good Death

Videographic epigraph ala the Middlebury Workshop for a video essay course. Scene from Juzo Itami's Tampopo, quote from Elizabeth Bronfen's Over Her Dead Body

February 2023.

Slurp: Tampopo's 0db

Juzo Itami's play with technical and societal boundaries is perhaps the most integral through-line of his ouvre. This critical supercut explores his use of sound in his 1984 film, Tampopo.

February 2023.

Painters on Painting: Zeng Fanzhi 

Documentation of a conversation series I was invited to participate in. Students from Occidental, USC, and UCLA joined the curation team at Hauser and Wirth to discuss Zeng Fanzhi's paintings. (Not a video essay, but felt like the most appropriate home)

April 2023.