Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Standards

Thank you for your interest in the Standard Consolidation Process. We have ended our data collection period and are now evaluating your results. Please contact us if you need any further assistance:

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Why standards on humanitarian civil-military coordination?

  • To meet the needs of affected people more effectively through improved humanitarian civil-military coordination.

Where does this initiative come from?

  • From the multi-stakeholder Consultative Group (CG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination.

What does 'international', 'national' and 'sub-national' mean?

  • International means addressing global and regional (more than one country) aspects at the strategic level. National means all areas dealt with at capital level which are of operational nature, e.g. bilateral coordination arrangements with foreign military forces. Sub-national are all other administrative layers of a country outside of the capital concerned with tactical aspects of coordination.

Who should take the survey and provide feedback?

  • Anyone interested, individual or organization, in bringing aid rapidly to the people in need, in the most appropriate way, with or without the support of militaries.