
2023/09/25: Intro, Versioning

2023/09/28: Intro, Compiled Languages, Build Systems

2023/10/03: Intro, Compiled Languages, Build Systems

 (source) (solution)

2023/10/05: C++ Marathon

2023/10/10: C++ Marathon (exercises)

2023/10/12: C++ Inheritance

2023/10/17: C++ Inheritance (exercises)

2023/10/19: C++ Making a simple simulator

2023/10/24: C++ Making a simulator (cont'd)

2023/10/26: C++ Finishing the simulator

where our heroes will:

 (source)(screen recording 1)(screen recording 2)

2023/10/31:  Simulator finished (finally)

2023/11/02Metaprogramming and STL

2023/11/07:  Metaprogramming and STL (Exercise)

2023/11/09: no lesson (I should be chairing a session in a conf. will miss ya)

2023/11/14: Eigen

2023/11/16: Again on Eigen

2023/11/21: Total Refactoring

2023/11/23: Distance Map

2023/11/28: Distance Map Localization

2023/11/31: Seminar by Emanuele on Perception in Robotics (optional)

2023/12/05: ROS,  basics

2023/12/07: ROS,  basics (repeated coz I [Giorgio] accidentally deleted the recording)

2023/12/12: Cool Exercises with ROS


2023/12/14 Last ROS Topics

2023/12/19 Last ROS Topics & Projects