Robot Programming  2023/24


2023/10/10: Video recordings of the praticals can be found in the Teaching Material 

2023/10/09: upon student request the course from October 12 will start @ 9:00 instead 8:00

2023/10/08: Added page with useless stuff. 

The course is planned to start on the week of September 25 2023


This course aims at providing the students with skills to develop robotic software that is not covered directly in other courses.

We assume the students are familiar with structured programming languages, as we will focus on fundamental tools when it comes to develop fast, energy efficient and robust robotic software. In this edition of the course we will operate exclusively on the Linux operating system. 

We will introduce:

The course is organized in frontal lessons and programming exercises.


Giorgio Grisetti 

Emanuele Giacomini

Omar Salem


B115 - DIAG

B121 - DIAG

B121 - DIAG

Office Hours

Mon11.00 / 13.00  + (anytime previous mail appointment)

(mail) appointment

(mail) appointment

IMPORTANT: For the communication concerning the course write an email to all teachers adding [RobotProgramming] at the beginning of the email subject. Not doing so decreases the priority of the email.

Prior Knowledge

A reasonable knowledge of the C programming language, Calculus and Linear Algebra.

We recommend a native installation of a Linux distro  (recommend: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). As an alternative, you can use a less efficient virtual machine.

Exam (3CFU, No Mark)

Exam Modality: Project

To pass the exam the student will develop a C++ project in ROS implementing some non-trivial algorithm. The discussion of the project can happen anytime during the academic year. The students who passed the exam will be "marked" (pass or not pass) and registered in the session immediately subsequent to the discussion.



Tentative next discussions:

Time and Location of the Lessons

The lessons have to be attended in presence. 

The students who can't attend the lessons due to delayed enrollment might refer to the material and the video lessons recorded during the pandemic period (here)

Time: First Semester (start on Sept 25 2022)

Tuesday 10:00-12:00

Thursday 8:00 9:00-12:00


Viale Regina Elena 295, room 201  

Viale Regina Elena 295, room 201 

Subscribing to the Course 

IT IS MANDATORY to enroll to the FOLLOWING FORM. Urgent communications will be handled through the email addresses you provide.

Preliminary Program

Extras: c++ Course By Igor


We remind that the knowledge of C++ is not mandatory for the exam. Still, we believe that this programming skill might be useful for your career in Robotics.