System and Control Methods for Cyber-Physical Security - Module 2


  • Module 2 last lesson was held on 14/5/2020.
  • Module 2 office hour is every Thursday (h11:30-12:30) via Google Meet (Meeting link).


This is the webpage of Module 2 of course "System and Control Methods for Cyber-Physical Security".

Link to main course webpage by Prof. Antonio Pietrabissa -

Please refer to the above webpage for the descrition of the full course.


The second model of the course deals with modelling and analysis of cyber-physical systems and of cyber-physical attacks. Defence strategies are also outlined.

Part I: Overview. Introduction to cyber-physical systems. Terminology, regulations, overwiew of past attacks, etc. Introduction to the electrical power system (the main syber-physical system we will refer to).

Part II: Cyber-physical systems modelling. This part is devoted to the derivation of a general model for cyber-physical systems, based on system theory formalism and concepts. The derivation of a mathematical model is in fact a prerequisite for the following analysis of possible attacks to cyber-physical systems and related defence strategies.

Part III: Attacks. This part will be devoted to the review and classification of known attacks to cyber-physical systems, and to the outline of possible defence strategies. The examples and cases discussed will be mainly referred to the smart grid cyber-physical system, though the underling concepts are general and applicable to cyber-physical systems in general.


Basics on linear algebra, geometry, analysis and control theory will be summarized within the course before their application.

Study Material

  • Slides and notes by Francesco Liberati (presentations will be progressively uploaded in the Google Drive of the course - link to folder);
  • Additional material specified in each presentation (slide "Study Material of the Lesson ").

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The subscription to the SCM4CPS group (subscribe) is needed to download the slides.

Office hour: Thursdays, 11:30-12:30 , A215 (if possible please send an email to book the meeting)

  • Feel free to ask questions via emails;
  • Check the websites/google group for communications/news/course updates.

Lessons diary

All presentations are available in the Google Drive of the course (Link)

  • 27/02/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Lesson1 "Introduction" (up to slide 64).
  • 05/03/2020, 14:00-17:00 - No lesson.
  • 12/03/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Finished Lesson 1 "Introduction" and started Lesson 2 - "Modelling" (up to slide 14 - "Descriptor Systems").
  • 19/03/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Continued Lesson 2 - "Modelling", up to slide 46 (block scheme of the system coupled with the monitor).
  • 26/03/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Continued Lesson 2 - "Modelling", up to slide 64 (picture of the attack space).
  • 02/04/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Continued Lesson 2 - "Modelling", up to slide 105 (picture of the zero-dynamics attack).
  • 09/04/2020, 14:00-17:00 - No lesson (Easter holidays).
  • 16/04/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Finished Lesson 2 - "Modelling", started Lesson 3 - "FDIA against state estimation", up to slide 38.
  • 23/04/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Finished Lesson 3 - "FDIA against state estimation" and finished Lesson 4 - "Topology Attacks".
  • 30/04/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Finished Lesson 5 - "Attacks to Electricity Markets".
  • 07/05/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Finished Lesson 6 - "Dynamic Load Altering Attacks and Switching Attacks".
  • 14/05/2020, 14:00-17:00 - Lesson 7 - Conclusions.